Wednesday, 10 July 2013

there's a first time for everything

So this is it! Our first blog - and we hope that you'll enjoy it as much as we will! In the meanwhile, our blog is under construction, so bear with us until the tools are down. Since this is our first time writing a blog, we will be doing as much exploring and discovering as you will. What's our blog going to be about, you ask? Well, it's going to be about:

  • Travel (without getting out of our chairs)
  • Art and Photography (everything that swirls into our heads and hands every now and then)
  • Inspirations (all that inspires us and all that humours us)
It's going to be like a diary - without all the emotional breakdowns, but with all the wonderful wackiness that makes life so enjoyable. So while we fiddle with these darn settings and templates, have a hot chocolate and strap yourself in - because it's going to be quite a ride!

 - G & N


  1. FromMushroomsToPandas10 July 2013 at 19:27

    Hey! Lovin' them fish~ Being the first comment, wish you luck~

  2. thanks :)
    P.S I know, those fish are so adorable! I can't stop feeding them!

  3. Hey guys! It is wonderful that you have decided to run a blog! I can't wait to read your content :)
    And thank you G (don't know if you want me disclose names) for commenting on my blog!!!!!! I am so glad you like them hehe (you should get Facebook so you can see the rest)
    Anyway, if you ever need any help with blogging or whatever feel free to ask me!
    - Shanni (

    1. Thanks Shanni :) Plus, your blog is chock full of amazing photos *drool*
